Presidents on the cover of Time Magazine

Harry S Truman


Week of November 6, 1944

Truman as Democratic candidate for Vice President

Truman will become Vice President only to succeed to the presidency

82 days into his job when President Franklin Roosevelt dies.

Week of April 23, 1945

This cover came the week after the death of President Roosevelt on April 12, 1945.

On that day, Truman was sworn in as the 33rd President of the United States.

Week of December 31, 1945

Harry Truman as Man of the Year 1945

The artwork depicts the dawn of the nuclear age being ushered in by President Truman.

That year, in the first and only use of nuclear bombs as weapons,

President Truman ordered atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Week of January 3, 1949

Truman as Man of the Year 1948

Truman is Man of the Year for the second time for winning the

1948 Presidential Election in a stunning come-from-behind victory.

Week of May 22, 1950

Truman is featured five years after becoming president.

Week of April 23, 1951

Truman is featured as the Korean War crisis continues.

Week of August 23, 1937

Senator Alben W. Barkley - future Vice President during Truman's second term.

A sitting U.S. Senator and Majority Leader at the time of the cover, Barkley had served

in the U.S. House from 1913 until 1927 when he became U.S. Senator.

He served as U.S. Senator from Kentucky until he became Vice President in January 1949.

He was the Majority Leader from 1937 to 1947 and Minority Leader from 1947 to 1949.

He was elected again to the Senate in 1954. He dies in office April 30, 1956.

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