Week of May 26, 1923
The earliest appearance of FDR on the cover of Time
He had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy for 8 years and the 1920 Democratic Nominee for Vice President
FDR had become paralyzed by polio two years before.
Week of February 1, 1932
FDR as sitting Governor of New York and early favorite to win the Democratic nomination for President.
Week of January 2, 1933
Franklin Roosevelt as Man of the Year 1932
Roosevelt was selected Man of the Year for winning the 1932 presidential election.
Week of January 7, 1935
Franklin Roosevelt as Man of the Year 1934
Roosevelt is Man of the Year for the second time
in a write-in campaign by readers of Time Magazine.
Week of June 10, 1940
Several weeks after this cover, Roosevelt is nominated
by Democrats for an unprecedented third term as president.
Week of January 5, 1942
Franklin Roosevelt as Man of the Year 1941
Roosevelt is Man of the Year for the third time.
This announcement came a few weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,
when FDR led our nation into war.
Behind FDR are the other two major war leaders, Stalin and Churchill.
This cover announces President Roosevelt's emergence as a war president.
Week of May 19, 2003
FDR still graces the cover decades later.
Week of November 20, 1933
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in her first Time cover.
Week of April 17, 1939
Eleanor on her second cover seven years after becoming First Lady.
Week of April 7, 1952
At the time of this cover Eleanor Roosevelt had been serving as the
U.S. Representative to the United Nations since 1945. She would serve as
Chair of the UN Human Rights Commission from 1946 to 1951.
Under her leadership, in 1948 the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Week of June 3, 1935
He was a Texan and former Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Week of October 21, 1940
A few weeks after this cover he loses to FDR who won an unprecedented third term.
Week of October 23, 1944
Thomas Dewey, Governor of New York and Republican nominee for President.
A few weeks after this cover he loses to FDR who won his fourth term.
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